Inspirational Quote "The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” Arisotle
Crystals & Stones
Amethyst – can assist with balance while connecting with the physical, mental, and the emotional bodies as well as linking them to the spiritual. Amethyst assists with cleansing the aura and can help alter negative energy on all levels.
Totem Animal - Sea Lion The energy of the Sea Lion is a reminder that listening and having balance in life is key. As they live in both world’s one being on land and the other of the sea, these represent the imaginative realm as well as the physical realm. Water is a healing and cleansing element of our reality, however; we survive in the physical world. The Sea Lion reminds us to pay attention to our inner thoughts or question ourselves on the matter of; are we listening too much to the words from others. If the Sea Lion has come to you in a dream, this can be a significant sign for you to pay attention to no matter how unrealistic this might be. Whatever you may have been imagining just might be a sign of validation to bring it forth into your physical reality, no matter how unbelievable or far-fetched your dreams or ideas seem.
Monthly Outlook Stepping into the energy of June we may find ourselves full of emotions. This energy is represented to us through life challenges both past and present. This month will symbolize a time of transformation. As you move through this month recognize what holds you back in life as this month encourages you to move through any fears that you may have been holding on to or stepping in to. It is a time for healing consciously and subconsciously. Through awakening your fears of the past this will present the opportunity to heal and overcome these old obstacles in life that do not serve you well. Take the opportunity this month to find compassion and love for yourself and to conquer these past issues in life. Judge only yourself and do not allow others to imprint their judgments or thoughts upon you any longer. Be who you need to be by loving yourself enough to break through any negative barriers. It is time to move towards your own acceptance of you and who you choose to be. This month represents a time of accomplishments in your life for self-growth as well as self-recognition through this new empowering energy. As this energy encompasses you, you may discover the encouragement you receive from within for your movement forward and the growth you find through instilling the higher good for you mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and is through the act of loving and valuing yourself and who you are truly meant to be.
Monthly Affirmation I release the restrictive forces which bind me. I am free to accept the blessings of change. Rev. Carol Reed